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    Ensuring Your Success During a Career Change

    A mid-life crisis is not something that only happens to men in their 50s. Many people experience a crisis of some sort in their 30s or 40s. For some, this means a sudden desire to buy a sports car or get in shape. For others, it manifests itself as a desire to switch careers. If you find yourself in the latter camp, you’re not alone. In fact, according to a recent study, nearly 60% of workers are interested in changing careers.

    And while a career switch can be scary, it can also be enriching. Here are some tips to help you make a successful transition:

    1. Do Your Research

    The first step is ensuring you understand what you’re getting yourself into. If you’re considering switching from accounting to marketing, research the industry and the types of jobs available. What skills will you need? What type of training will be required?What is the job market like? Answering these questions will give you a better sense of whether or not a career switch is right for you.

    Try to talk to people who are already working in your desired field. Ask them about their day-to-day responsibilities, the challenges they face, and what they enjoy about their job. This will give you a more realistic understanding of what the job is actually like. LinkedIn can be a great resource for making connections if you don’t know anyone in your desired field.

    2. Build experience and skills

    business meeting

    In many cases, a career switch will require you to start at the bottom and work your way up. That’s why building experience and skills in your desired field is important before switching. You want to be able to hit the ground running and show potential employers that you’re serious about making a change. One way to do this is by studying online or taking classes related to your desired field. This will help improve your understanding of the industry and allow you to build some crucial skills.

    Especially for jobs that require a lot of experience, such as piloting, it may be helpful to study and get a degree in the field you want to enter. Many employers require a degree for these types of positions. You must attend a pilot training school and get a license from the FAA. This will allow you to get the required experience and make important industry connections.

    3. Build Your Network

    One of the most important things you can do when making a career switch is to build your network. When starting in a new field, your network can be an invaluable resource for finding jobs and networking opportunities. So reach out to friends, family members, and colleagues already working in your desired field and see if they’re willing to introduce you to other people in their networks. You never know where your next opportunity might come from.

    Always remember the importance of networking when making a career switch. LinkedIn can also be an excellent tool for connecting with people in your desired field. If you’re unsure how to get started, there are plenty of online articles and tutorials that can help you figure out how to use LinkedIn to your advantage.

    4. Be Realistic About Your Expectations

    Whenever you make a change in your life, it’s essential to have realistic expectations. It’s unlikely that you’ll land your dream job immediately, so don’t be discouraged if things don’t fall into place immediately. It takes time to adjust to any new situation, so give yourself time to settle into your new career before expecting too much from it.

    Don’t be afraid to start small. If you’re switching from accounting to marketing, you might not land a job as a CMO immediately. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find success in your new career. Start by applying for entry-level jobs or internships and work your way up.

    5. Don’t Be Afraid To Take risks

    Finally, making a major life change can be scary, but it’s also an opportunity to start fresh and take some risks that you may have been too afraid to take before. So go after that promotion you’ve been wanting or apply for that job in a different city—you never know what might happen unless you try. You might find that making a career switch is the best decision you have ever made.

    If you’re considering making a career switch, know that you’re not alone. And while it can be scary, it can also be incredibly rewarding. Make sure to research, build experience, build your network, be realistic about your expectations, and don’t be afraid to take risks. With these tips, you’ll set yourself up for success as you embark on this new journey.

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