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    What to Expect While Job Hunting

    About 11 million jobs are now open in America, with as many as 6.5 million new hires since the start of the year. However, job applications are the first step toward any career. Even if you don’t get selected, applying for jobs shows that you’re motivated and willing to work hard. However, the job-hunting process can be long and frustrating, especially if you’re not getting any bites. Here’s a look at what you can expect when applying for jobs:

    It will take time and a lot of energy

    Job boards such as Indeed, Craigslist, and LinkedIn are great resources for finding job ads. Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook can also be helpful, as some employers post jobs in closed groups or on individual company pages.

    But visiting your target company’s websites is the most efficient way to see if they’re hiring. Hence, if you already have an ideal job role in mind, you can check the website of the company you’re eyeing for open job positions that offer growth and brings you to your fullest potential regardless of whether you’re a fresh grad or looking to switch careers.

    However, many job seekers spend weeks or even months polishing their resumes, writing cover letters, and networking to find the right job. And then, after submitting hundreds of applications, they may only hear back from a small number of employers.

    The reason for this is that the job market is very competitive, and employers receive many applications for each open position. Moreover, not all of the companies on your list will have open positions at the same time. So even if you do hear back from several employers, you may not get offers from all of them.

    Organization is key

    One way to make the job-hunting process more manageable is to make a list prioritizing the companies you’d like to join. And this will help you focus your time and energy on the applications you want the most and are confident in, resulting in a job offer.

    Moreover, you have to keep track of every application you send out, when, where you found the job ad, and all scheduled interviews, especially if you applied to multiple companies. Ensure you take note of key information under the right company because this significantly helps you along the way and even further helps you decide if you were to continue or withdraw from some of your applications.

    Woman checking her calendar on her laptop for her schedule

    Be well-prepared

    Before you start your job hunt, there are a few things you need to do to make the process as smooth as possible. First, list the companies you would like to work for and research them thoroughly. Learn about their business, their culture, and what kind of jobs they offer.

    Next, update or create your resume and cover letter. Ensure these documents are error-free and highlight your skills and experience that are relevant to the position. Finally, brush up on your interview skills. Practice answering common interview questions aloud, so you feel more confident when the time comes.

    When applying for jobs at different companies, you can expect different hiring processes. You may have to complete an online questionnaire for some companies, while others may require a resume and cover letter. The interview process may also vary, but typically, you will have a phone screening with a recruiter followed by one or more in-person interviews.

    In addition, you can expect to be asked situational and behavioral questions in addition to common interview questions. Situational questions describe how you would handle a specific situation, while behavioral questions ask you to recount a time when you displayed a particular behavior. Answering these questions truthfully and with examples will give the interviewer a good sense of your abilities, how you would perform in the role, and if you’re a good fit for the team.

    Being positive can go a long way

    When looking for a job, staying optimistic is essential, even if most of your applications didn’t receive responses or received rejections. Remaining upbeat about your job search can do wonders for your confidence. It will help you see yourself in a more favorable light, making you work harder to achieve your goals. Additionally, a positive attitude will show potential employers that you are enthusiastic and motivated, which are desirable qualities.

    You shouldn’t feel demotivated as early as the application process. Many applications are submitted for most jobs. Hence, even if an applicant doesn’t receive a response, there’s still a good chance that the employer saw their resume. Additionally, many employers use automated systems to screen job applicants. And this means that even if applicants have the perfect qualifications, they might not be selected for an interview because the system didn’t choose their resume.

    The job-hunting process can be long and arduous, but it’s worth the effort. By knowing what to expect during each stage of the process, you’ll be better prepared to tackle each challenge head-on. Stay positive, stay focused, and don’t give up!

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