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    Smart Ways to Study at Home

    Good study habits can help students to perform better in their academics. Having the right motivations and finding ways to concentrate better could make studying an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. But especially now in this global pandemic where students are limited from entering their usual physical classrooms and are made to attend virtual classes for their safety, the home environment may not be the best place to study in.

    In this case, making the necessary adjustments should help you focus more on studying and in turn achieve better grades. So here are some steps that can be taken for hardworking but distracted students who are currently stuck in their family houses.

    Turning the home into an optimal environment for studying

    Change home conditions for comfort

    The state of the environment where you study can greatly but subtly affect your knowledge acquisition. It was found that a student’s level of comfort within a space, along with the other room factors like lighting, noise, smells, and even the colors of the things around you can come into play while you are studying. So redesigning your room in a specific way should help even slightly.

    Artificial, stark white light from bulbs and lamps can tire you out easily so you should try to study near a window where natural light can shine on you. Unwanted noises, even deafening silence, can be blocked out with white noise of your choosing. A home purification system can also help remove smells and particles like dust and pollen in the air to keep you breathing well and uninterrupted.

    Find a specific place for studying

    Finding a designated place for studying can keep you away from distractions. The place you choose should be set only for studying so that you automatically go into study mode when you enter the room. If you can, try to stay away from your bed to help your brain distinguish between sleep and study. Avoid studying near relaxation places like the TV room or the dining area.

    child studying

    Adjusting study habits

    Start a planner

    Organizing the activities in your daily life should help you make time for studying. A specific schedule for studying should be set aside to make learning a habit for good. Along with this, break times in between studying sessions should also be set to prevent you from getting tired and burning out in one sitting. Taking a day or two off from studying may also be beneficial to let your brain recuperate and absorb the learning material that you studied days before.

    Eliminate distractions

    Of course, it is already a given that we avoid distractions like social media and junk food while studying. Our mobile phones are good at a lot of things, especially making us waste a lot of time. So steps like putting it on silent, turning it off, or leaving it in a different room of the house should reduce your screen time and keep you away from unnecessary scrolling through these online platforms. On the other hand, being smart with the food you eat and how often you take them should help if snacking is your way of alleviating stress or boredom while studying.

    Study at the optimum time

    Try to find the time when you are most motivated to study. Everyone is different. Some people lose interest in doing anything when hungry or when full. Others feel groggy during the day while others go to relaxation mode once it gets dark. You should know your body enough to find the best time for learning.

    Calibrating your mind and body

    Manage your sleep schedule

    Sleeping is crucial in keeping your mind sharp. Not enough or too much sleep can hinder your learning. Aside from that, inconsistent sleeping patterns can confuse your metabolism, giving you bursts of energy whenever you don’t need it. So schedule your sleeping and waking time properly to maximize your day for studying.


    Along with proper sleep, exercise should also help to spend your stored energy throughout the day. Physical activity promotes blood circulation to the brain, which can improve how you retain information. Not only will exercise help in your study but it will also keep you healthy enough to avoid diseases from being stagnant.

    With these tips, you should be able to focus better on your studies while staying at home. The rest will depend on your self-control and motivation to push through with your educational progress. Let us all continue keeping ourselves and our families safe inside our homes while doing our best to juggle all the necessary aspects of our lives.

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