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    Why Lifelong Learning is Important to Your Career Growth

    When we talk of learning, a lot of us think it has something to do with formal education – the ones we get from schools and universities. Most of us when we were young, we are told that getting a good education is the key in order to get far ahead in life.

    True indeed that somehow formal education boosts our chances of landing a good-paying job and worthwhile career.

    However, formal education is not the only type of learning there is. As we go through life, we see that there are tons of opportunities for us to expand our knowledge and learn new skills. Whether we use it for personal development or in our careers, lifelong learning makes our lives richer and more colorful.

    Embracing Lifelong Learning

    Having a solid, good education does not automatically guarantee that you will land your dream job. Yes, your qualifications could help you get past initial screening, but we all know though that it takes more than that to secure a job position.

    It is not enough for employers to hire someone with a good educational background. Employers are also looking for qualified, potential employees who have transferrable skills such as eagerness to learn and improve. Transferrable skills are quite useful in any organization.

    Thus, if currently you are unemployed, do not lose hope. Rather, use this opportune time to learn something valuable. Acquire a new set of skills in order to pave way for new opportunities which could not have been available if you lack such skill.

    Nonetheless, even when you are now employed make use of your valuable time to learn new skills. Take advantage of the free training and mentoring opportunities offered by your company. These would help you grow professionally.

    Having skills and knowledge of various matters even outside of your professional line of work makes you a valuable employee. For instance, it could mean promotion and a raise in pay grade.

    And, apart from the tangible benefits you might get from having additional skills and expertise, lifelong learning gives you a sense of achievement. It helps you uncover your untapped potentials, helping you in your self-actualization journey.

    Making lifelong learning part of your everyday life is easier said than done. While browsing the internet or chatting with people helps you learn stuff, it calls for a more engaged and active effort to have a more organized lifelong learning structure.

    How You Can Embrace Lifelong Learning

    1. Find Out Your Personal Interest and Goals

    It is not about what others want for you, but it is what you want for yourself when engaging in lifelong learning. It is all about what you are passionate about and how you want to see yourself in the future.

    If you wanted to grow professionally, engage in seminars, pieces of training, upskill programs relevant to your job. If you want to try something totally outside your accounting job, like undergo comprehensive CNA training, go ahead and do that.

    Remember, you are doing it for yourself and not for others.

    2. Make a List of What You Like To Learn

    After you have figured out what interests you, try to narrow down your goals. It does not have to be something grand. Any goal is good as long as it is realistic and achievable.

    For instance, if you are interested in history, you could spend your free time reading books or watching documentary series. Nonetheless, you could also consider getting a degree.

    3. Know the Resources Available

    Starting is the hardest part, but once you get the hang of it, everything else seems to fall into place.

    Like with everything else in life, if you want to run it smoothly, you need it planned out. Thus, do your bit of research and figure out how you can start your learning journey. For instance, you can search online for institutions that offer an online degree. Find out if you can do it either part-time or full-time.

    4. Pattern Your Learning Goals to Your Life

    It may seem overwhelming at first trying to juggle career and education. In fact, a lot eventually get discouraged once faced with conflicting schedules. But by learning to pattern your life’s structure around your interest, it is possible to have a balanced work-life. And remember, be realistic about your plans.

    5. Stay Committed

    Lastly, commitment is crucial for your learning goal to be a success. Having a strong commitment to your plan helps you stay unwavering amid adversities. Strive to become a bigger person and try to avoid making excuses particularly when you feel like giving up.

    We only live once in this short life, so make the most of it by embracing lifelong learning.

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